SCHIERN, Frederik

SCHIERN, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus Høst. Copenhagen 22.11.1816 — Frederiksberg near Copenhagen 16.12.1882. Danish Historian and Classical Scholar. Son of Jens Kragh Høst (1772–1844), an author and lawyer, and Susanne Margrethe Oxholm (1786–1845), who after divorce married Niels Schiern (1789–1853, an official). Educated in Copenhagen, then studied history and law there. Cand. Juris 1839, Fil. Mag. (M.A.) 1842. From 1847 Lektor, 1852 ord. Professor of History at Copenhagen. In history followed Hegel’s ideas. He had a special interest in the history of migrations, travels and exploration. Also active in politics. Married 1852 Fanny Maria Ophelia Beutner (divorce 1859).

Publications: Mag. diss. Origines et migrationes Cimbrorum. 8+82 p. Havniae 1842; numerous writings on European history, many collected in Historiske Studier (1-2. 1856-57) and Nyere historiske Studier (1-2. 1875-79).

– “En Oplysning om Oldtidens Kjendskab til Nilens Kildesær”, Vid. Selsk. Forhandl. 1866:4, 121-181 (French transl. Nouvelles Annales des Voyages 1868:2, 5-71).

– “Om Oprindelsen til Sagnet om de guldgrabende Myrer”, Vid. Selsk. Forhandl. 1873, 1-46; German: Über den Ursprung der Sage von den goldgrabenden Ameisen. Copenhagen & Leipzig 1873; also abbreviated French version (and this in English, IA 4, 1875, 225-232.

Om en ethnologisk Gaade fra Oldtiden. (Kjøbenhavn) 1880 (on Metellus Celer and his “Indians”).

Sources: J.C.H.R. Steenstrup, D.B.L. 15, 1901, 116-120; *L. Tandrup, D.B.L. online 2011; Danish Wikipedia with photo.

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