SCHLAGINTWEIT, Adolf. Munich 9.1.1829 — Kashgar 27.8.1857. German Natural Scientist and Traveller in India and Central Asia. Son of oculist physician Joseph Schl. (1792–1854) and Rosalia Seidl (1805–1839), brother of —> Emil, Hermann and Robert Schl. A fifth brother was Eduard Schl. (1831–1866), an officer and explorer of Morocco. After the early death of their mother the boys were in charge of tutors. Studied science. 1849 Landshut, PD 1850 Munich. Followed his brothers to Berlin and England. In 1851 ascended Mount Rosa with his brothers. In 1854 he followed his brothers to India, employed by E.I.C. for exploration. Parting from Hermann, he and Robert left Calcutta for the North-West: Patna–Benares–Allahabad–Bareilly–Nainital, summer 1855 in the Himalayas studying nature and collecting information and objects from Tibetan traders, but attempts to force their way to Tibet failed. In winter 1856 Adolf travelled alone in South India (Andhra–Madras–Southern Tamilnad–Nilgiri). In April 1856 all three met in Simla, but parted again, and Adolf explored the glaciers of Zangskar and spent three months in Baltistan. Parting from his brothers in Rawalpindi he explored border regions and then proceeded over Karakorum and Kunlun to Yarkand and Kashgar, where the rebel leader Wali Khan let him to be executed as a supposed Chinese spy. The news of his death reached Europe only two years later. Unmarried.

Publications: Diss. De Cataractarum origine. 1849; hab.diss. Untersuchungen über die physikalische Geographie der Alpen. Lp. 1850.

Sources: E. Schlagintweit, “Adolf, Hermann und Robert Schl.”, A.D.B. 31, 1890, 336-347; Wikipedia with portrait (some further intormation in German version).

*M. v. Brescius, Fr. Kaiser & St. Kleidt (eds.), Über den Himalaya. Die Expedition der Brüder Schl. nach Indien und Zentralasien 1854 bis 1858. 2015 (with T. Neuhaus, “E.S. und die Tibet-Forschung im 19. Jahrhundert”).

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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