SIMPSON, William

SIMPSON, William. Glasgow 28.10.1823 — London 17.8.1899. British (Scottish) Artist. Of modest origin, with abusive and alcoholic father, from 1834 living with his grandmother. After a few years in school he became apprentice in a lithographic firm in Glasgow, eventually became famous as newspaper illustrator. He first illustrated Crimean war and travelled in 1859-62 in India preparing sketches (like Daniell). Also visited Ladakh. The book project was a failure and the publisher went bankrupt. Further travels in Russia and 1868 in Ethiopia, soon illustrating the Franco-Prussian war, then 1872 in China and 1873 in the U.S.A. Again in India with the Prince of Wales in 1877. In 1878-79 in Afghanistan, again in 1884. Married Maria Eliza Burt, one daughter.

Publications: India Ancient and Modern: A series of illustrations of the country and the people of India and adjacent territories. 50 col. pl. with text(100 p.)  by J. Kaye. L. 1867.

– “Pujahs in the Sutlej Valley, Himalayas”, JRAS 16, 1884, 13-30; “The Trisula Symbol”, JRAS 22, 1890, 299-317.

The Buddhist Praying Wheel, a collection of material bearing upon symbolism of the Wheel and circular Movements in Custom and religious Ritual. 303 p. 48 fig. L. 1896.

The Autobiography of William Simpson. Ed. by G. Eyre-Todd. 15+351 p. L. 1903; a few further books.

Sources: *A.H.M[iller], D.N.B. Suppl. 1901, 345-347; Wikipedia, long article with further references, photo and samples of his work.

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