SIMPSON, William. Glasgow 28.10.1823 — London 17.8.1899. British (Scottish) Artist. Of modest origin, with abusive and alcoholic father, from 1834 living with his grandmother. After a few years in school he became apprentice in a lithographic firm in Glasgow, eventually became famous as newspaper illustrator. He first illustrated Crimean war and travelled in 1859-62 in India preparing sketches (like Daniell). Also visited Ladakh. The book project was a failure and the publisher went bankrupt. Further travels in Russia and 1868 in Ethiopia, soon illustrating the Franco-Prussian war, then 1872 in China and 1873 in the U.S.A. Again in India with the Prince of Wales in 1877. In 1878-79 in Afghanistan, again in 1884. Married Maria Eliza Burt, one daughter.
Publications: India Ancient and Modern: A series of illustrations of the country and the people of India and adjacent territories. 50 col. pl. with text(100 p.) by J. Kaye. L. 1867.
– “Pujahs in the Sutlej Valley, Himalayas”, JRAS 16, 1884, 13-30; “The Trisula Symbol”, JRAS 22, 1890, 299-317.
– The Buddhist Praying Wheel, a collection of material bearing upon symbolism of the Wheel and circular Movements in Custom and religious Ritual. 303 p. 48 fig. L. 1896.
– The Autobiography of William Simpson. Ed. by G. Eyre-Todd. 15+351 p. L. 1903; a few further books.
Sources: *A.H.M[iller], D.N.B. Suppl. 1901, 345-347; Wikipedia, long article with further references, photo and samples of his work.
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