SŁUSZKIEWICZ, Eugeniusz Leonard. Jarosław in South-Eastern Poland 6.11.1901 — Warsaw 28.8.1981. Polish Indologist and Armenologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Franciszek Sł. (1875–1944), a gymnasium teacher. Educated at gymnasium in Bochnia. Studied from 1919 at Cracow classical philology, Slavistics, Germanic and IE linguistics, learnt Sanskrit from Rozwadowski. Then studied Indology at Lwów (L’viv) in 1922-24 under Gawroński. Ph.D. 1924 Lwów. In 1922-25 Assistant of IE at Lwów. In 1925-27 further studies in Paris under Meillet, Lévi, Finot, and Foucher. From 1929 Lecturer in Sanskrit and in 1936-39 Senior Assistant of comparative IE Linguistics at Lwów. Habilitation 1938 Cracow, in 1941-41 Docent of Linguistics at Lwów and again, after reopening of the university, in 1944-45. During the occupation worked as interpreter. In 1945-53 Professor of IE at Toruń. From 1953 Poland’s only remaining Professor of Indology at Warsaw, retired 1971. Visited India in 19?? and 1964. Married 1933 Maria Rytasowskam three children.

Słuszkiewicz was a specialist of Sanskrit epic literature. A further interest was Armenian. Among his students were Byrski and Mejor.

Publications: Diss. Rāmāyaṇa Valmīkiego a Campūrāmāyaṇa Bhōjy. Manuscript 1924; “Notes sur le Campūrāmāyaṇa de Bhoja”, RO 3, 1925 (1927), 107-132.

– “Przyczynki do badań nad Kauṭilyą”, RO 5, 1927 (1929), 108-164 (French rés. 163f.), and sep. Lwów 1929.

Przyczynski do badań dziejami redakcyj “Rāmāyaṇy”. 8+274 p. Prace Komisji Orientalistycznej 30. Cracow 1938.

Państwo i społeczeństwo w dawnych Indiach. 127 p. 1949.

– “Le Rāvaṇavaha et le Rāmāyaṇa”, RO 16, 1950 (1953), 543-565; “Bhāsa et le Rāmāyaṇa”, RO 21, 1957, 409-421; “Społeczns funkcja Mānavadharmaśāstry”, Euhemer 1962:3, 3-40; smaller articles.

– Budda i jego nauka. 269 p. Warsaw1965; Opowieści buddyjskie. 183 p. Warsaw 1982.

“Kautilja (Kautalja) – ‘staroindyjski Makiavel”, Przęglad Or. N.R. 2 (74), 1970, 103-117; “Filozofia w starożytnych Indiach”, Studia filozoficzne67, 6/1970, 3-16.

Pradzieje i legendy Indii. 446 p. Warsaw 1980 (on Vedic, epic and Purāṇic traditions).

Much on Armenian and on the history of learning, e.g. “Remarques sur la langue turque des Arméniens et sur les emprunts turcs de l’Arménien”, RO 15, 1949, 268-320.

Sources: Anantapāram kila śabdaśāstram. Księga pamiątnikowa ku czci Eugeniusza Słuszkiewicza. Warsaw 1974 (7f. *life in Polish, 9-19 bibliography, also a photo); Pāli Buddhist Review 6:1, 1981-82, 52 briefly; *Polish Wikipedia with two photos; *www.ipsb.nina.gov.pl/a/biografia/eugeniusz-leonard-sluszkiewicz (in Polish).

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