SŁUSZKIEWICZ, Eugeniusz Leonard. Jarosław 6.11.1901 — Warsaw 28.8.1981. Polish Indologist and Armenologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of a gymnasium teacher. Educated at gymnasium in Bochnia. Studied from 1919 at Cracow classical philology, Slavistics, Germanic and IE linguistics, learnt Sanskrit from Rozwadowski. Then studied Indology at Lwów in 1922-24 under Gawroński. Ph.D. 1924 Lwów. In 1922-25 Assistant of IE at Lwów. In 1925-27 further studies in Paris under Meillet, Lévi, Finot, and Foucher. From 1929 Lecturer in Sanskrit and in 1936-39 Senior Assistant of comparative IE Linguistics at Lwów. Habilitation 1938 Cracow, in 1941-41 Docent of Linguistics at Lwów and again, after reopening of the university, in 1944-45. During the occupation worked as interpreter. In 1945-53 Professor of IE at Toruń. From 1953 Poland’s only remaining Professor of Indology at Warsaw, retired 1971. Visited India in 19?? and 1964.
Słuszkiewicz was a specialist of Sanskrit epic literature. Among his students were Byrski and Mejor.
Publications: Diss. Rāmāyaṇa Valmīkiego a Campūrāmāyaṇa Bhōjy. Manuscript 1924; “Notes sur le Campūrāmāyaṇa de Bhoja”, RO 3, 1925 (1927), 107-132.
– “Przyczynki do badań nad Kauṭilyą”, RO 5, 1927 (1929), 108-164 (French rés. 163f.), and sep. Lwów 1929.
– Przyczynski do badań dziejami redakcyj “Rāmāyaṇy”. 8+274 p. Prace Komisji Orientalistycznej 30. Cracow 1938.
– Państwo i społeczeństwo w dawnych Indiach. 127 p. 1949.
– “Le Rāvaṇavaha et le Rāmāyaṇa”, RO 16, 1950 (1953), 543-565; “Bhāsa et le Rāmāyaṇa”, RO 21, 1957, 409-421; “Społeczns funkcja Mānavadharmaśāstry”, Euhemer 1962:3, 3-40; smaller articles.
– Budda i jego nauka. 269 p. Warsaw1965; Opowieści buddyjskie. 183 p. Warsaw 1982.
– Pradzieje i legendy Indii. 446 p. Warsaw 1980 (on Vedic, epic and Purāṇic traditions).
– Much on Armenian and on the history of learning, e.g. “Remarques sur la langue turque des Arméniens et sur les emprunts turcs de l’Arménien”, RO 15, 1949, 268-320.
Sources: Anantapāram kila śabdaśāstram. Księga pamiątnikowa ku czci Eugeniusza Słuszkiewicza. Warsaw 1974 (7f. *life in Polish, 9-19 bibliography, also a photo); Pāli Buddhist Review 6:1, 1981-82, 52 briefly; *Polish Wikipedia with two photos; *www.ipsb.nina.gov.pl/a/biografia/eugeniusz-leonard-sluszkiewicz (in Polish).
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