SPIEKER, Edward Henry

SPIEKER, Edward Henry. Baltimore, MD 18.4.1859 — Baltimore, MD 2.2.1918. U.S. Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Baltimore. Son of Henry Spieker and Margaret Elizabeth Dorges. Educated at Baltimore City College and from 1877 studied at Johns Hopkins (A.B. 1879). Ph.D. 1882 Johns Hopkins. Taught at Johns Hopkins: 1880-82 Fellow in Greek, 1882-86 Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1886-88 Associate of Greek and Latin, 1888-1915 Associate Professor of Greek and Latin, 1915-18 Collegiate Professor of Greek. Married 1891 Adelaide Marie Maute (b. 1870), at least one son, geologist Edmund Maute Spieker (1895–1978).

Publications: Greek Prose Composition for Use in Colleges. 276 p. 1904; articles on classical philology, in the 1880s some on Sanskrit.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

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