BAUNACK, Johannes Fürchtegott. Trebsen bei Grimma (east of Leipzig) 22.12.1854 — 1928. German Philologist. Son of school inspector Gottlob Franz B., brother of —> Theodor B. Attended Leipzig. Gymnasium 1866-74, then studied classical philology, IE linguistics and Indo-Iranian languages at Leipzig University under Curtius, Zarncke, Brockhaus and Kuhn. Ph.D. 1877 Leipzig (Curtius). From 1878 teacher (Lehrer) at Nikolaischule (gymnasium in Leipzig), then Oberlehrer (1900).
As a scholar Baunack mainly concentrated on Greek, starting the study of Greek language, dialects and epigraphy already in his dissertation. In his comparative works he derived much material from Sanskrit, too.
Publications: Diss. Schedae grammaticae. 80 p. Lp. 1877; several publications on Greek language and epigraphy; with Th. B. Die Inscrift von Gortyn. 6+167 p. Lp. 1885.
– “Formassociation bei den indogermanischen numeralien mit besonderen berücksichtigung der griechischen”, KZ 25, 1881, 225-260; “Hesychstudien”, Xenia Nicolaiana 1912, 59-108.
– “Remarques sur les formes du pronom personnel dans les langues ariennes, en grec et en latin”, MSL 5, 1884, 1-26.
– With Th. B.: Studien auf dem Gebiet der griechischen und der arischen Sprachen. I:1-2. Lp. 1886-88.
Sources: Kürschner, D.L.K. 1890, 1900, 1904, then no longer, but no obituary notice, either (and not in Deutsches biogr. Archiv 1st and 2nd series); early vita in his dissertation, and works in the N.U.C. and GesVerz; Stache-Weiske 2017, 503.
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