SUALI, Luigi. Bologna 29.9.1881 — Pavia 9.3.1957. Italian Indologist. Professor in Pavia. Son of Vincenzo and Genovieffa Zucchini, himself took the name of his grandfather. Studied at Bologna under Pullé, graduated 1903. In 1903-05 further studies under Jacobi at Bonn. PD 1907 Bologna. In 1909-10 Acting Professor at Pavia, then ao. and from 1914 ord. Professor at Pavia, taught there until 1956. From 1947 correspondant member of Accademia dei Lincei. Married Giulia Giovagnoli di Saludecio, one son.
Suali began his career with philosophy, Jaina and Mahākāvya and later developed also an interest in Buddhism. He was a demanding teacher. Among his students were G. Devoto and L. Heilman.
Publications: Diss. Il Sistema Buddhistico nel Compendio dei Sistemi filosofici di Haribhadra con il commento di Gunaratna. Manuscript (?) 1903.
– Edited: Haribhadra’s Ṣaḍdarçanasamuccaya with Guṇaratna’s Commentary. 1-2. 4+310 p. Bibl. Ind. 167. Calcutta 1905-09; translated the introduction to the same: “I Sistemi filosofici dell’ India alla fine del secolo XIV”, GSAI 17, 1904, 243-271; and chapters 2 & 4: “Contributi alla conoscenza della logica e della metafisica indiane”, GSAI 19, 1906, 283-369 & 20, 1907, 33-64.
– “Il ‘Lokatattvanirṇaya’ di Haribhadra”, GSAI 17, 1905, 263-378; “La legge Jainica (testo e versione del Dharmabindu di Haribhadra, con introd.)”, GSAI 21, 1908, 223-290; “Un trattato elementare di filosofia indiana. Il Tarkāmṛta di Jagadīśa trad.”, Riv. di filos. 1-2, 1908, 45 p.
– Edited: Haribhadra Sūri’s Yogabindu, with Commentary. 232 p. Bhavnagar 1911; Prameyaratnakośa. Bombay 1912; The Thānāngasutta, Books 1-3. Ahmedabad 1912; Jagadṛṣṭisamuccaya by Haribhadra. Ahmedabad 1912; The Dharmabindu of Haribhadra with Municandra’s Commentary. Bibl. Ind. 220. Calcutta 1912-20.
– “I drammi di Bhāsa”, GSAI 25, 1912, 85-116.
– Introduzione alla studio della filosofia Indiana. 16+478 p. Pavia 1912.
– L’Illuminato. La storia del Buddha. 10+337 p. Milano 1925, German transl. 1928, French 1933.
– Gotama Buddha. 18+395 p. Storia della Religione 10. Bologna 1934.
– Storia moderna dell’ India. 1-2. c. 800 p. Milano 1942 (printed, but prohibited from circulation by fascist regime because of “troppa obbiettività” (!) and came available only in 1946).
– “Letteratura dell’India antica”, Le civiltà dell’Oriente. Rome 1957, 487-580.
– Many smaller articles.
Sources: Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; Gabrieli 1912-1934; L. Heilmann in Franci 1991, 269-281; *E. Marcovaldi, Rendiconti dell‘Ist. lombardo 91, 1957, 95f.; C. Mastrangelo, D.B.I. 94, 2019 (online; *P. Meriggi, Annuario Univ. Pavia 1957-58, 383f.; *Enciclop. Italiana Appendice 3; Italian Wikipedia with photo.
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