SCHÜTZ, Carl Wilhelm. Bückeburg, Schaumburg-Lippe 14.4.1805 — Bielefeld 14.9.1892. German Indologist. Ph.D. Son of local pastor, Johann Gottfried Schütz (1769–1848, a friend of Goethe), gymnasium in Bückeburg and Osnabrück. First studiedtheology at Halle from 1823-27. In 1828 visited Copenhagen, met Rask and became interested in Sanskrit. In 1829-34 teacher in Bremen.Hon. Ph.D. 1831 Jena. From 1834 worked as teacher of modern languages (French and English) at Gymnasium in Bielefeld, Oberlehrer 1856. He became blind in 1858 and could no longer work, although lived into an advanced age. Married 1831 Christiane (Kristjana) Johanna Briem (1805–1869, from Iceland), eight children.

Schütz knew Bopp, but according to Köhne never actually studied with him (as claimed e.g. in Wikipedia). With meagre helps (commentaries!) he engaged in study of difficult poetry and did remarkably well. Pischel praised his Meghadūta translation. He also knew many European languages.

Publications: Kritische und erläuternde Anmerkungen zu den von H. Pr. von Bohlen bes. Ausg. des Chaurapanchâsikâ und Bhartriharis. 6+49 p. Bielefeld 1835.

Translated: Fünf Gesänge von Bhattikâvya. 28 p. Bielefeld 1837; Magha’s Tod des Çiçupala, ein sanskritisches Kunstepos. 1. 144 p. Bielefeld 1843 (1-9, 25); Bhâravi’s Kirâtârjunîya, Gesang I und II. 17 p. Bielefeld 1845; Kalidasa’s Wolkenbote, übersetzt und erläutert von C. S., nebst H. H. Wilson’s englischer Übersetzung. 8+112 p. Bielefeld 1859.

Reviews: Calcutta Mbh and Milman’s Nala in HALZ 1838:4, 737-751; Hoefer, Ind. Gedichte & von Bohlen, Bhâminîvilâsa in HALZ 1844:2, 961-984.

Many textbooks of English and French, listed by Pischel.

Sources: Heyne, Datenbuch; Buckland, Dictionary.; R. Köhne, “Dr. C.W.S. (1805-1892). Ein nahmhafter Gelehrter im alten Bielefeld”, Ravensberger Blätter 1988:1, 1-8; *R. Pischel, Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 1893, 341-343; JRAS 1895, 166; Windisch 95 & 107f.; German Wikipedia; wife in several Icelandic Internet sources.

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