STERN, Philippe

STERN, Philippe Gérard Isaïe Simon. Paris 11.4.1895 — Paris 4.4.1979. French Art Historian specialized in Indian and South-East Asian (Khmer & Champa) Art. Son of Lazare René Stern and Cécile Marie Charlotte May. Studies in Paris under Finot et al. In 1921-29 attachée, then Conservateur-adjoint and 1954-65 Conservateur-en-chef of Musée Guimet in Paris (after Grousset, succeeded by Auboyer), then retired. Also Professor of Indian art and archaeology at École de Louvre (about 30 years from 1929). During WW II living in Toulouse. In later life often ill. Married 1944 Thérèse Le Prat (née Cahen, 1895–1966), a photographer. They had no children, but he had earlier (1925) one daughter with Madeleine Marie Marguerite Meyer. In 1966 he finally married her.

Stern did fieldwork in India and South-East Asia, in 1936 and after war. Using decorative motifs he developed chronology in art history. Also much interested in music. His students include M. Bénisti and O. Viennot.

Publications: Much on South-East Asia  (especially Khmer art): diss. Le Bayon d’Angkor et l’evolution de l’art khmer. 12+217 p. 22 pl. A.M.G. Bibl. de vulg. 47 P. 1927; L’art du Champa (ancien Annam) et son évolution. 122 p. Toulouse, 1942; Les monuments khmers du style du bayon et Jayavarman VII. 267 p. 211 pl. Publ. du Musée Guimet 9. P. 1965.

With H. de Willman-Grabowska & P. Masson-Oursel: L’Inde antique et la civilisation indienne. 32+493 p. Bibl. Historique 26. P. 1933, English tr. Ancient India and Indian Civilisation. Transl. by M. R. Dobie. 435 p. L. 1934.

With A. A. Bake: Introduction à chansons de Rabindranath Tagore. P. 1935.

“Hariharâlaya et Indrapura”, BEFEO 38, 1938, 175-198 (Khmer history).

With M. Bénisti: Evolution du style indien d’Amarāvatī. 119 p. 68 pl. P. 1961.

Colonnes indiennes d’Ajantâ et d’Ellora. 188 p. 193 pl. P. 1972.

With J. Naudou & Cl. Picron: Au service d’une biologie de l’art. Recherches sur les arts de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud-Est. 1-2. 180 p. 138 ill. Lille 1978.

– Articles in BEFEO, JA, RAA, etc.

Sources: J. Auboyer, Arts as. 36, 1981, 66f.; J. Boisselier, BEFEO 70, 1981, 1-5, with bibliography 6-9; J. Auboyer, Arts as. 36, 1981, 66f.; French Wikipédia (see also articles on his wife and daughter);; small photo in

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