STOROST, Wilhelmas (Vilius Storostas; pseudonym Vydūnas, Vîdûnas). Jonaten, Lith. Jonaičinose (Jonaičiai), Šilute, German East Prussia (now in Lithuania) 22.3.1868 — Detmold 20.2.1953. Lithuanian (in Germany) Author and Theosophist interested in Sanskrit. Born in German East Prussia as member of the Lithuanian minority, son of Anskis Storost and Maria Storostienė (née Ašmonaitė). In 1892 graduated from Ragnit (Ragainė) teachers’ seminary and 1896 from Königsberg University. In 1892-1912 taught English and French in Tilsit (now Sovetsk), during summers further studies, now also Sanskrit, at the universities of Greifswald, Halle, Leipzig and Berlin. In 1917-19 taught Lithuanian at Berlin University. Again schoolteacher in East Prussia he became a leading figure in Lithuanian cultural life there. Therefore persecuted by the Nazis, arrested in 1938, but released, in 1944 escaped before Russians to West Germany. Translated the Bhagavadgītā from Sanskrit into Lithuanian. Married Klara Füllhase (d. 1937).
Publications: Litauen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 132 p. Tilsit 1916; Litauische Geschichte. Tilsit 1921.
– Einführung in die litauische Sprache. 144 p. Tilsit 1919.
– Published song collections and wrote plays in Lithuanian.
– Wrote theosophical works in Lithuanian, made much use of Indian terms.
– Translated: Bhagavad Gītā, palaiminantioji giesmé. Vertimas iš sanskrito. Detmold 1947.
Sources: Encyclopedia Lituanica 6, 1978;; Wikipedia with four photos (also German version, with further references).
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