STREITBERG, Wilhelm. Rüdesheim 23.2.1864 — Leipzig 19.8.1925. German IE Scholar. Professor in Munich and Leipzig. Son of Gustav Streitberg, later Amtsgerichtsrat, and Wilhelmine Pauli. Gymnasium in Wiesbaden. From 1884 studies of Germanistics and comp. IE linguistics, firstat Münster (under Jacobi), soon at Leipzig (Brugmann, Leskien, Windisch andZarncke). Ph.D. 1888 Leipzig. After further studies at Berlin PD 1889 Leipzig. In 1889-98 ord. Professor für indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft at the new University of Freiburg (Fribourg) in Switzerland, in 1898 resigned like all eight German professors as protest against Catholic policy of the university. Now one year as PD at Leipzigand in 1899-1909 Professor at Münster (ord. 1906), in 1909-20 Professor of Indogermanistik (new chair) at Munich, and in 1920-25 Brugmann’s successor at Leipzig. Member of Bavarian (1911) and Saxonian (1921) Academies. Married 1904 Gertrud Leskien (b. 1874), the daughter of August Leskien, one son and two daughters.
Streitberg was mainly interested in Germanic, especially Gothic, but also in the history of IE studies. He was active as editor and organizator. In his last years suffered of health problems.
Publications: Rev. version of diss.: “Die Abstufung der Nominalsuffixe -io- und -ien- im Germanischen und ihr Verhältnis zu der des Indogermanischen”, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 14, 1889, 165–231; hab. diss. “Perfective und imperfective Actionsart im Germanischen”, Ibid. 15, 1891, 70–177.
– Urgermanische Grammatik. 20+372 p. Heidelberg 1896, 2nd ed. by H. Hirt 1933.
– Gotisches Elementarbuch. 220 p. Heidelberg 1896, 6th ed. 1920; edited Gotisches Bibel. 1-2. Heidelberg 1908-10.
– Articles, especially in IF.
Sources: *E. Eggers, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 891f.;*R. Leppla, Nassausische Lebensbilder 5, 1955, 1-5; *U. Meissner, Intern. Germanistenlexikon 3, 2003, 1829-1831; W. Porzig, *Idg. Jb. 10, 1924-25, 408-413 (republ. in Sebeok 1966:2, 182-187) and *Bursians Jb. 54, 1928; R. Schmitt, N.D.B. 25, 2013, 538f.; F. Sommer, BVSAW 78, 1926, 7*-11*; Stache-Weiske 2017, 317-325, 564; briefly D.B.E. 9, 1998, 582; *Stand und Aufgaben der Sprachwissenschaft. Festschrift für W. Streitberg. Heidelberg 1924; Wikipedia briefly with photo (more in German version); photo in Idg. Jb. 10, another in Streitberg Festgabe 1924, both also in TITUS Galeria.
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