SCHRAM, Robert Gustav. Lemberg (L’viv) 18.1.1850 — Vienna 23.12.1923. Austrian Astronomer and Geodecist. Studies at Vienna. Dr. In 1872-73 briefly Assistant at Geneva observatory, then Th. von Oppolzer’s Assistant in Austrian geodetic survey and after his death 1887 its director. Mainly known of his research on eclipses.
Publications: “Hilfstafeln für Chronologie”, partly republished as “Tables for the approximate conversion of Hindu Dates”, IA 18, 1889, 290-300; similar works not related with India.
– “On some Dates of the Kollam Era”, IA 25, 1896, 9-11; “On some Dates of the Vikrama Era from the Palm-Leaf Manuscripts in Dr. P. Peterson’s Fifth Report”, IA 26, 1897, 1-7.
– “Tables of eclipses visible in India”, Suppl. to R. Sewell & S. B. Dikshit, The Indian Caöendar. L. 1896.
Sources: Swedish and Danish Wikipedia.
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