STREITER, Friedrich

STREITER, Friedrich. Bozen (Bolzano) 2.11.1833 — Bozen 28.1.1894. Austrian Industrialist, former student of Indology. Born in the then Austrian South Tiroli, son of Joseph Streiter and Johanna Holer (d. 1837). After school in Bozen and Innsbruck he entered military college in Graz, but soon resigned for further study of languages. After completing gymnasium in 1854 in Budapest he studied law (1854), then (1856) classics and Indology at Berlin under Weber. Ph.D. 1861 Berlin. Planned first scholarly career, but in 1864 became director of the gas factory founded by his father in Bozen, later founded with his brother a machine factory there. From Schiefner’s letters to Weber it comes out that he kept contact with colleagues even later.

Publications: Diss. De Śunaḥśepo fabula indica ex codicibus manuscriptis edita. 45 p. B. 1861.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; vita in diss; Böhtlingk, Briefe zum Petersburger Wörterbuch. 2007, note on p. 823f.; Walravens & Stache-Weiske 2015, 300, nt. 882f.

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