STRACHAN, John. Brae near Keith, Banffshire 31.1.1862 — Manchester 25.9.1907. British (Scottish) Classical and Celtic Linguist. Son of a farmer. After school in Keith, studies of Classics at Aberdeen and Cambridge (Pembroke College), then IE and Indology (Sanskrit under Delbrück) at Jena. From 1885 Professor of Greek and from 1889 also of Comparative Philology at the Owens College in Manchester (then Victoria University). Also taught Sanskrit. LL.D. Married 1886 Mina Grant, six daughters and two sons

Publications: Mainly wrote on Celtic philology.

Sources: *G. Calder, Celtic Review 4, 1907, 188-191; *K.M., Ériu 3, 1907, 200-206; *R. Thurneysen, IF Anz. 22, 1908, 79f.; briefly Wikipedia with photo; portrait (by J. Cassidy) and photo, with life data in

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