AA, Jean Baptiste van der

AA, Jean Baptiste van der. 1843 — 19??. S.J. Flemish Jesuit Father, Missionary in Sri Lanka. In 1895 he went to Sri Lanka and worked as teacher at the Papal Seminarium in Kandy.

Publications: Praelectionum philosophiae scholasticae brevis conspectus: Liber primus, Logica. Lovanii 1884; Liber II. Cosmologia et Organologia. 236 p. Lov. 1888; etc.

Ceylon. Schetsen, Zeden en Gewoonten, Brieven van een Missionaris. 8+279 p. 15 pl. Leuven 1900, also in French, Ile de Ceylan, croquis, moeurs et coutumes. Lettres d’un missionnaire. Paris/Louvain 1900 (17 long letters to friends and colleagues, illustrated with his own photos).

Lettres de Kandy: souvenir du Séminaire pontifical. 67 p. Bruxelles 1906.

Sources: Antiquarian book catalogue.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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