BENDER, Harold Herman

BENDER, Harold Herman. Martinsburg, W.Va. 20.4.1882 — Princeton 15.8.1951. U.S. IE, Indo-Iranian, and Lithuanian Scholar. Professor in Princeton. Born in an old American family, son of Lewis B. and Margaret Eleanore Kline. A.B. 1903 Lafayette College, then studied Sanskrit and IE at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore (under Bloomfield). Ph.D. 1907 there, 1907-08 further studies at Berlin. In 1909-12 Instructor of Modern Languages at Princeton, then 1912-18 Assistant Professor and 1918-39 Professor of Indo-Germanic Philology at the same university. In 1939-50 M. Taylor Pyne Professor there, and 1927-44 founder and Chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages. 1950 emeritus. In 1910 married, one son (not Ernest B.). In 1922 Dr. h.c. of Lithuanian philology, Kovno, 1924 Litt.D. Lafayette College, 1928 Knight of the (Lithuanian) Order of Gediminas.

Publications: The Suffixes ‘mant’ and ‘vant’ in Sanskrit and Avesta. 116 p. Baltimore 1910; “Notes on Indo-Iranian -vant”, IF 30, 1912, 137f.; “The Accent of Sanskrit -mant and -vant”, IF 34, 1914-15, 383-389; “On the naturalistic background of the “Frog-Hymn”, Rig-Veda 7, 103”, JAOS 37, 1917, 186-191; “The etymology and meaning of Sanskrit garútmant”, JAOS 42, 1922, 203f.

 A Lithuanian Etymological Index. 340 p. Princeton & L. 1921; The home of the Indo-Europeans. 72 p. Princeton 1922; articles.

German short stories. 6+365 p. N.Y. 1920.

Sources: Nat. Cyclop. of Am. Biogr., Current Vol. D, 1934, 309f.; Who Was Who in Am. 3; Wikipedia.

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