LOMAN, Johannes

LOMAN, Johannes Reinoud Abraham. Amsterdam 3.11.1908 — 1976. Dutch Indologist. Son of Abraham Dirk L., a composer, and Alida Lütkeman, an opera singer. Studied history at Amsterdam and worked as teacher of history. After the WW II studies of Indology under Scharpé, Galestin and van Lohuizen-de Leeuw. Ph.D. 1956 Amsterdam, under Scharpé. In 1958-73 worked on ABIA in Leiden. Married 1941 Elfrida Anna Bittner (1907–1987).

Publications: Translated the Meghadūta twice: De Wolkbode van Kalidasa. Amsterdam 1954 (metric); Wolkbode; kringloop der jaargetijden, Kalidasa. Amsterdam 1971 (prose).

Edited & transl. The Padmaprābhṛtakam, an ancient bhāṇa assigned to Śūdraka. 83 p. Amsterdam 1956 (diss.).

– “The Comic Character of the Caturbhaṇī”, ALB 25, 1961, 173-187; “Types of Kashmirian society in Kṣemendra’s Deśopadeśa”, ALB 31-32, 1967-1968, 171-184; a few further articles.

– Own poetry.

Sources: Dutch Indology homepage with small photo; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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