BERG, Cornelis Christian. Rotterdam-West 18.12.1900 — Leiden 25.6.1990. Dutch South-East Asian Scholar. Professor in Leiden. After school in Schiedam from 1919 studies of Arabic, Sanskrit and Javanese at Leiden. Cand. 1922, Dr. 1925/27 (under Hazeu and Krom). After two years as teacher in Indonesia, from 1929 Professor of Javanese at Leiden. During a research trip to Java on 1942 fell victim of Japanese occupation and could only return from camp after the war (1946). Retired 1972. Married 1925 with Alida Apolonia van Ulden (d. 1978), five daughters and two sons.
Publications: Diss. De Middeljavaansche historische traditie. 178 p. Santpoort 1927.
– “Hindu literature in Java”, Indian Art and Letters N.S. 6:2, 1932, 122-141.
– Het rijk van de Vijfoudige Buddha. VKNAW 69:1. Amsterdam 1962.
– Māyā’s hemelvaart in het Javaanse Buddhisme. IA. Lalitawistara-traditie op Java. IB. Hoofdnoten, bijlagen, summary, registers. 736 p. VKNAW Afd. Letterk. N.R. 74:1-2. Amsterdam 1969; II. Prapañca’s verhaal over het rituel van 1284 çaka. 189 p. Ibid. 102. A. 1980.
– Much on Javanese history, edited Javanese texts, etc.
Sources: J. Ras, BTLV 147, 1991, 1-11 with photo; *E.M. Uhlenbek, JaarboekKNAW 1991, 131-136; Dutch Indology homepage.
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