MALLESON, George Bruce

MALLESON, George Bruce. Wimbledon 8.5.1825 — Kensington, London 1.3.1898. British Colonial Officer in India. Colonel. Son of John M. and Lucy Nesbitt. “Educated at Wimbledon and Winchester; joined the Bengal Native Infantry in 1844. In the second Burmese war of 1852-3, in the Commissariat Department until 1856… Sanitary Commissioner in Bengal, 1866-8; Controller of the Military Finance Department, 1868-9; Guardian of the young Maharaja of Mysore, 1869-77. C.S.I. 1872. Colonel 1873, retired 1877.” Married 1856 Marion Charlotte Battye

Publications: A great number of articles in CR.

The Mutiny of the Bengal Army. 48 p. L. 1857 (the so-called “Red Pamphlet”).

Essays and Lectures on Indian Historical Subjects. 347 p. L. 1866; Historical Sketch of the Native States of India. 397 p. L. 1875; History of the Indian Mutiny 1857–58. 1–6. 1878-89 (with J. W. Kaye); History of Afghanistan, from the Earliest Period to the Outbreak of the War of 1878. L. 1879; Herat. 1880; The decisive Battles of India from 1746–1849. 26+462 p. L. 1883.

History of the French in India, 1674–1761. 10+583 p. L. 1868; Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. 19+286 p. L. 1878.

Recreations of an Indian Official. 13+467 p. L. 1872.

History of Afghanistan, from the Earliest Period to the Outbreak of the War of 1878. 28+456 p. L. 1879; Herat, the granary and garden of Central Asia. 8+196 p. L. 1880; The Russo-Afghan Question and the Invasion of India. 192 p. L. 1885.

Ambushes and surprises: being a description of some of the most famous instances of the leading into ambush and the surprise of armies, from the time of Hannibal to the period of the Indian mutiny. 10+434 p. L. 1886.

Biographies, e.g.: The Founders of the Indian Empire, Lord Clive. 38+516 p. L. 1882; Life of the Marquess Wellesley. 11+239 p. L. 1889; Akbar. 204 p. Rulers of India. Oxford 1890; Dupleix. 188 p. Oxford 1890; Life of Warren Hastings, first governor-general of India. 12+563 p. L. 1894.

– In retirement also wrote on European history.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; E.M.L[loyd], D.N.B. Suppl. 1901, 135f.; *Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo.

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