MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles Norbert Joseph Marie. 24.7.1853 — La Madeleine near Lille 21.12.1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of Norbert Hubert Michel and Elise Castelein. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Louvain (Nève), and Paris (Bergaigne). Dr. en philosophie et lettres 1876 Louvain. Docent at Liège until 1885, in 1885-1892 Professor at Gand (Ghent, ord. 1888) and from 1892 at Liège. He was mainly a Greek scholar, but also interested in Indology and started the Sanskrit teaching at Liège (1885, 1892-1908, then left it to Mansion, but still taught Greek). Emeritus 1923. Also taught Sanskrit at Ghent (1885-90). At Liège —> E. Monseur was his student, at Ghent —> F. Cumont. According to RHR 10, 1884 he was preparing an edition of the Pañcatantra, but later on concentrated more on Greek. Married 1888 Pauline Beroux (1869–1941), one daughter. N.B. there is another Ch.M. (1853–1920), Belgian diplomat in China.

Publications: Compiled Indices of 28 p. to Ch. de Harlez’s Avesta translation, publ. in vol. 3. Liège 1878.

Continued the abridged French translation of Kern’s Histoire de Bouddhisme de l’Inde after Collins’ death. The whole work was published in the RHR 3-7, 1881-83, Michel’s part in 7, 1883, 34-62.

Recueil d’inscriptions grecques. 1. 26+1000 p. Bruxelles 1900 & Suppl. 121 p. 1912; other works on classical philology..

Sources: R. Dussaud, CRAI 73, 1929, 328-331; H. Grégoire, Bull. de l’Assoc. G. Budé 27, 1930, 3-9 ; briefly in Dictionnaire des Belges and and Chr. Vielle, Indianisme et bouddhisme à Louvain, de Félix Nève à Étienne Lamotte (https://dial.uclouvain.be/pr/boreal/object/boreal%3A226663/datastream/PDF_01/view); family details in genealogieonline.nl.

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