MILLER, Walter

MILLER, Samuel Walter. Ashland County, Ohio 5.5.1864 — Columbia, Missouri 28.7.1949. U.S. Linguist and Classical Scholar. Son of Samuel Miller and Harriet Romich, an agrarian family. A.M. 1884 Michigan, further studies at Leipzig against his father’s wishes, then 1885-86 at American School in Athens. In 1887-89 Instructor in Latin and Sanskrit at University of Michigan. In 1889-91 again at Leipzig, but never completed his Ph.D. In 1891-92 Associate Professor of Greek at University of Missouri, from 1892 Professor of Latin and Archaeology at Stanford University, soon (1896-1902) Professor of Classical Philology there. Because of disagreement with administration about the future of the department he resigned in 1902 and became Professor of Greek at Tulane University in New Orleans. From 1911 Professor of Latin at University of Missouri in Columbia and from 1929 Professor of Classical Languages and Archaeology there. Retired 1930, in retirement taught at Southwestern University in Memphis and also at Washington University in St. Louis. LL.D. 1916 Arkansas and 1932 Michigan. In 1888 married Jennie Emerson (1860–1946), niece of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who had studied Latin, Greek and even Sanskrit and much helped her husband, two daughters.

Publications: Much on classical philology and archaeology, a hexameter translation of the Iliad (1944); nothing on Sanskrit.

Sources: with photo; long article in Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 2 months by Admin


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