MILTNER, Vladimír

MILTNER, Vladimír. Plzeň 6.7.1933 — Mathura 13.1.1997. Czech Indologist (Sanskrit and Hindi Scholar). After gymnasium in Karlovy Vary studies at Prague. Ph.D. From 1967 worked as research scholar of the Czech Academy, first three years in Paris, with a long break for political reasons from the early 1970s to the beginning of the 1990s. In the meantime worked as journalist and author. Seriously ill he went to India to die there.

Publications: Early Hindi Morphology and Syntax. 67 p. Dissert. Orientales Univ. Carolinae 6. Prague 1966 (according to the Uktivyaktiprakaraṇa of Dāmodara, early 12th century).

– “Old Braj Morphology in the Bihārī-Satsaī”, ArO 30, 1962, 494-504; “Shifts of syntactic function in Hindi: Selected material from the works of Tulsīdās”, JAOS 83, 1963, 336-338;“The Musical Character of the Verses of Bihārīlāl”, ArO 31, 1963, 216-224; “Old Gujarati, Middle Gujarati and Middle Rajasthani Sentence Structure Compared. A ten­tative Analysis”, Bhār. Vidyā 24, 1964, 9-31; “From OIA Passive to NIA Active”, Asian & Afr. Studies (Bratislava) 1, 1965, 143-146; “Syntactic structure of Hindi in Synchrony and Diachrony compared”, Anantapāram… Fs. Słuszkiewicz 1974, 143-166; “Ergative constructions in Indo-Aryan”, Sambodhi 5:2-3, 1976 (A. N. Upadhye Mem. issue), 110-120; further articles on Hindī.

The Hindi sentence structure in the works of Tulsīdās. 57 p. Delhi 1967.

– Theory of Hindi Syntax: Descriptive, generative, Transformational. 72 p. Janua ling. Series practica 94. the Hague 1970.

Translated: Kámasútra aneb poučení o rozkoši. 141 p. Prague 1969; Nala a Damajanti. 149 p. Lyra pragensis. Praha 1977.

– Sagen und Märchen aus Indien. 199 p. Prague 1977; Folk tales from India. 190 p. L. – N.Y. 1978; also French and Dutch versions.

– Indie má jméno Bhárat aneb Úvod do historie bytí a vědomí indické společnosti. 333 p. 12 pl. Prague 1978; Indická kuchyně. 229 p. Prague 1982 (Indian kitchen); Lékařství staré Indie. 207 p. Prague 1986 (Old Indian medicine); other books in Czech.

– Mahábhárata aneb Velký boj. 384 p. Prague 1988.

– Malá encyklopedie buddhismu. Prague 1997; with B. Wanguová: Buddhismus. 141 p. Prague 1997.

– Old Hindi Reader. 107 p. Prague 1998.

Hindī Aṣṭādhyāyī or Hindi Vade mecum. Ed. by J. Vacek. 89 p. Prague 2000.

Sources: Vacek, preface to Hindī Aṣṭādhyāyī; *Czech Wikipedia; stray notes in Internet.

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