MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda)

MONCHANIN, Jules (Swami Paramarubyananda). Fleurie-en-Beaujolais 10.4.1895 — Paris 10.10.1957. Father. French Catholic Priest, Monk and Hermit, an ardent proponent of Hindu-Christian interfaith dialogue. Son of wine merchant Antoine M. and Marie-Ursule Janin. From 1912 studies at seminary in Lyon, during WW I also taught there (he was himself freed from military service because of his precarious health). Ordained 1922, served as vicar in Lyon. Studied Sanskrit under Minard, then decided to become (Christian) hermit in India and left for Tiruchirapalli in 1932, in 1938 founded an ashram in the village of Tannirpalli in Tamil Nadu. He was keen supporter of religious dialogue and visited often Ramana Maharshi. After a visit to France in 1946-47 remained in India until fatal illness forced him to return in 1957.

Publications: “Yoga et Hésychasme”, Entretiens 1955. Publications de l’Institut français d’indologie 4. Pondichéry 1956, 1–10.

– With H. Le Saux: Ermites du Saccidānanda: Un essai d’intégration chrétienne de la tradition monastique de l’Inde. 204 p. P. 1956, German tr. Eremiten von Saccidānanda, ein Versuch zur christlichen Integration der monastischen Über­lieferung Indiens. 314 p. Salzburg 1962.

Mystique de l’Inde, mystère chrétien: écrits et inédits. 340 p. Paris 1974.

Religious works.

Sources: Fr. Jacquin, D.O.L.F. 690f.; *H. de Lubac, Images de l’Abbé M. P. 1968; Wikipedia with photo (more in French version, also further references).

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