DAFFINÀ, Paolo. Rome 26.6.1929 — 23.11.2004. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Studies in Rome under Tucci and Petech. Ph.D. 1953 Rome. In 1954-55 and 1955-56 further studies at Nagpur and Poona (under Gokhale) in India. From 1959 Assistant, 1965 PD and 1967 Professor incaricato of East Asian History in Rome,…

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MACKENZIE, David Neil. London 8.4.1926 — Bangor, Wales 13.10.2001. British Iranian Scholar in Germany. Professor in Göttingen. Son of David M., educated in Slough, Windsor and Cambridge. From November 1943 to December 1947 in army, from August 1944 to September 1945 served in India and Burma, then until July 1947 in…

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LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič

LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič. Geneva 18.7.1906 — Tashkent 18.10.2001. Russian Historian of Central Asia. Son of a lawyer, graduated in 1922 (?) from Arheologičeskij Institut in Rostov-na-Donu. War service 1941-45. Kand. ist. nauk 1956, Dr. ist. nauk 1967, Professor 1970. In 1925-41 “sotrudnik Donskogo obščestva arheologii, istorii, Sev.-Kavkazskogo kraevogo obščestva arheologii…

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JOYCE, Thomas Athol

JOYCE, Thomas Athol. London 4.8.1878 — Wroxham, Norfolk 3.1.1942. British Anthropologist. Son of a newspaper editor. Educated at Dulwich College. Studies at Oxford (Hertford College, M.A. 1902), then worked in British Museum. In WW I in intelligence service in War Office. In 1927 field expedition to Mayan sites in British…

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EMMERICK, Ronald Eric. Sydney 9.3.1937 — Hamburg 31.8.2001. Australian Indologist, Tibetan and Iranian (Khotan Saka) scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Eric Steward E., a builder, and Myrtle Caroline Smith. After school in Sydney studied in 1955-59 Classics, French and German at Sydney (B.A. 1959,…

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CASTAGNÉ, Joseph-Antoine

CASTAGNÉ, Joseph-Antoine. Gaillac (Tarn) 27.11.1875 — Montpellier 19.1.1958. French Traveller, long time in Russian Central Asia (Uzbekistan). Studied in Toulouse. From 1902 teacher of French in Orenburg near Kazakh Steppe, soon started a collection of antiquities. From 1912 in Tashkent actively participated in the intellectual life of the town. Accepted…

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VAILLANT, Louis Auguste André Marie. Paris 26.11.1876 — Arras (Pas-de-Calais) 18.2.1963. French Army Physician, Naturalist and Explorer. Son of Léon Louis V., Professor of Zoology, and Henriette Jeanne Hovius. Studied medicine at Bordeaux, graduated 1902 and became physician in French colonial army. In 1906-08 he travelled with Pelliot and Nouette in…

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SKRINE, Clarmont Percival

SKRINE, Clarmont Percival. London 28.2.1888 — 1974. British Civil Servant and Diplomat in India. Sir. Son of —> F. H. B. Skrine and Helen Lucy Stewart. Studies at Oxford. Joined I.C.S. in 1912. In 1916-19 British Vice-Consul in Kerman, Persia, in 1922-24 Consul-General in Kashgar, in 1926-29 Consul in Seistan.…

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LERH, Pëtr Ivanovič (Peter von Lerch)

LERH, Pëtr Ivanovič (Peter von Lerch). St.Petersburg 1828 — Hamburg 16.9.1884. Russian (with German background) Archaeologist and Scholar of Comparative Iranian. Born in a German family living in Russia. Studied Oriental languages at St.Petersburg, graduated in 1850. Worked then in minor office for the Academy. In 1856 fieldwork among Persian…

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JISL, Lumír

JISL, Lumír. Svijanský Újezd, Liberec region 18.4.1921 — Prague 22.11.1969. Czech Scholar of Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese, a Specialist of Buddhist Art. After school in Toruń from 1940 studies of archaeology and ethnography at Prague. In the wartime worked as insurance official in Liberec, then continued studies (graduated 1949). From…

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