MORLEY, Grace L. McCann

MORLEY, Grace Louise McCann. Berkeley, CAL 3.11.1900 — New Delhi 8.1.1985. U.S. Art Historian and Museologist. Educated at St.Helena, Napa county. Studies of French literature at University of California, Berkeley (B.A. 1923, M.A. 1924) and Paris. Ph.D. 1926 Paris (Sorbonne). In 1927-30 Instructor of French and European Art at Goucher College in Baltimore. In 1930-33 General Curator of Cincinnati Art Museum, 1934-46 and 1949-58 the first Director of San Francisco Museum of Art, in 1946-49 on leave as head of the Museums Division of Unesco in Paris. From 1960 living in India. In 1960-66 Director of National Museum of India in New Delhi, in 1966-68 Adviser on Museums, Ministry of Education, Government of India. In 1967-78 founder and Head of ICOM Regional Agency in Asia, in New Delhi and Bangkok. Married 1933 S. Griswold Morley, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese.

Publications: Indian Sculpture. 144 p. Varanasi 1985; art books not related with India.

Sources: Museums and Museology: New Horizons. Essays in Honour of Dr. Grace Morley on her 80th Birthday. Delhi 1980, with life data and photo; Wikipedia: long article with further references.

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