PAULI, Carl Eugen. Barth, Vorpommern 14.10.1839 — Lugano, Switzerland 7.8.1901. German IE Scholar and Etruscologist. Son of Carl P. and Henrica Roepke. Matriculated from Putbus, studies at Erlangen and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1862 Greifswald. Worked as schoolteacher in Stettin, from 1867 Lauenburg/Pommern, 1860 Hannoversch-Münden, 1873 Hannover and 1876-83 as Rector in Uelzen. PD 1885 Leipzig, also working as schoolteacher there. From 1893 Gymnasialprofessor of Latin and Greek in Lugano, in 1898 retired because of heart problems. Married 1870 Anna Isecke (b. 1850), three sons and two daughters. Beside teaching he worked on IE, from 1875 also on Etruscan, occasionally even on Caucasian.
Publications: Diss. Über die deutschen verba präteritopräsentia. 35 p. Stettin 1862.
– “Ueber skr. hāridravá”, KZ 16, 1867, 50-53.
– Über die Benennung der Körpertheile bei den Indogermanen. 29 p. B. – Stettin 1867; Über die Benennung der Körpertheile bei den Indogermanen. Stettin 1867.
– Etruskische Studien. 1-5. Göttingen 1879-82; Altitalische Studien. 1-6. Hannover 1881-84; with others: Corpus inscriptionum etruscarum. Lipsiae 1893–1902; other works and articles on Italic, Ligurian, Pelasgian, etc.
Sources: *H. Gülzow, Pommersche Lebensbilder 4, 1966, 397-408; *G. Herbig, Biogr. Jahrb. der Altertumswiss. 29, 1906, 54-75; German Wikipedia with photo; not in the A.D.B.
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