PETER, Friedrich A. Leh, Ladakh 1904 — 1988. Swiss Priest and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Friedrich E. Peter (d. 1945), who was Herrnhutian Bishop in Ladakh. Himself originally an architect, but soon turned to theology and became a priest. In 1930 returned to Ladakh and worked at the mission station of Khalatse. Retired 1970 and spent the rest of his life in Switzerland.
Publications: “The Rin-Ḥbyuṇ; introduction to an unpublished Tibetan iconographical work”, JASB 9, 1943, 1-27; “Glossary of Place names in Western Tibet”, Ethnologische Z. 2, 1975, 5-29b; “Die Geschichte Tibets – ein Überblick”, Cl.C. Müller, Der Weg zum Dach der Welt. Innsbruck 1982, 50-58.
– Ksemendra, Five Tibetan legends: from the Avadāna Kalpalatā. 56 p. Opuscula Tibetana 20. Rikon/Zürich 1989.
– Articles.
Sources: *Biographical sketch in his posthumous work; short life and bibliography in (Archiv Friedrich A. Peter); stray notes in Internet.
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