BICKELL, Gustav Wilhelm Hugo. Kassel 7.7.1838 — Vienna 25.1.1906. German Oriental (Semitic) Scholar in Austria. Son of Johann Wilhelm B., Professor of Canonical Law. Studies of theology and philology at Marburg and Halle, Ph.D. 1862 Marburg, from the same year PD für semitische und indogermanische Sprachen there, also taught at Giessen. In 1867 ordained as a catholic priest in Fulda and became ao. Professor at Münster. From 1874 Professor ord. at Theological Faculty of Innsbruck University, from 1891 Professor of Semitic Languages at Philosophical Faculty at Vienna. Mainly interested in Hebrew and Syriac literature.
Publications: Diss. De indole ac ratione versionis Alexandrinæ in interpretando libri Jobi. Marburg 1862.
– A few brief articles on Iranian.
– Ed. and translated from Syriac: Kalila und Damanag. 147+132 p. Lp. 1876 (the long introduction is by Th. Benfey); and other texts; edited Syriac texts.
– Dichtungen der Hebräer. 1882; and other works on Hebrew literature; a Hebrew grammar.
Sources: Öst. biogr. Lex. 1, 1957, 61; Bihl 60; German Wikipedia.
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