POSTANS, Thomas. Lee, Kent (?) 1808 — Deesa, Gujarat 11.12.1846. British Colonial Officer interested in Ethnology and Archaeology of India. Captain. Son of Thomas and Agathe Postans, the mother was of French origin, but died in 1816. Joined E.I.C. service as cadet in 1827 and came to Bombay. From 1834 Political Agent in Cutch and Sind, later political agent at Nassik and Persian interpreter to Sindh Force. Captain 1843. Died as appointed member of boundary commission. During a visit to London married 1833 Marianne Ridgway, author of travel accounts (1811–1897; later remarried as Mrs. Young).
Publications: “An Account of the Ruins and Site of Old Mandaví in Raepur, and Legend of Vikramáditya’s son in Cutch”, JASB 6, 1837, 648-653; “An Account of the Jain Temple at Badrasir, and Ruins of Badránagiri in Cutch“, JASB 7, 1838, 431-434; several further articles on Cutch and Sindh and on Persian literature in JASB.
– “Notes of a Journey to Girnar, in the Province of Kattywar, for the purpose of copying the ancient Inscriptions upon the Rock near that place, undertaken by order of Bombay Government”, JASB 5:2, 1838, 865-887 (anonymously publ.).
– Hints to Cadets: With a Few Observations on the Military Service of the Honorable East-India Company. 102 p. 1842.
– Personal Observations on Sindh: the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants, and its capabilities. 15+402 p. L. 1843; Observations on the Increase of Commerce by means of the river Indus. 31 p. L. 1843.
– By Mrs. Postans: Cutch; or, Random Sketches, taken during a Residence in one of the Northern Provinces of Western India. 19+283 p. L. 1839; Facts and Fictions, Illustrative of Oriental Character. 1-3. L. 1844.
Sources: JRAS 10, 1847, Proceedings vif.;; long account of his father in
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