BLATT, Gustaw (Gerszon). Jarosław 15.2.1858 — Lwów (L’viv) 17.9.1916. Polish Linguist (IE and Slavic). Studies of classical and Slavic philology at Krakow, student of Lucjan Malinowski. Ph.D. there 1893. Further studies of IE and Sanskrit at Leipzig under Brugmann, Windisch and Leskien. Teacher at Jewish gymnasium in Brody, from 1901 at a gymnasium in Lwów, from 1902 PD of comparative IE grammar there, from 1910 until his death Professor of the same. Taught Sanskrit, too, and had young Gawroński among his students.
Publications: Wrote on Polish and comparative Slavic linguistics.
– Habil.diss. publ. as “Quaestiones phonologiae sanscritae. de consonantibus sanscritis tenuibus aspiratis”, Eos 7, 1901, 1-17.
Sources: Polski Słownik biograficzny 2, 1936, 121f.; works listed in Bibliografia Polska XIX stulecia. Vol. 2. Kraków 1961; *Polish Wikipedia.
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