BOGDAN-DUICĂ, Gheorghe (born Gh. Bogdan). Brassó/Kronstadt, Hungary (now Braşov in Romania)) 2.1.1866 — Braşov 21.9.1931. Romanian Literate interested in Indian Literature. Son of a poor merchant, Ioan Bogdan and Elena Munteanu. After school in Braşov from 1885 studies at Budapest, Jena and Vienna (but degree only at Bucharest 1897). Then worked from 1888 as critic in his home town, Czernowitz (now Černivci in Ukraina) and Bucharest, also involved in politics. In 1899-1919 schoolteacher. From 1919 Professor of Modern Romanian Literature at the new Cluj-Napoca University, well-known literate and critic. Married 1892 Maria Done, six children.
Publications: Translated: “Savitri. Povestire indica din Mahabharata”, Tribuna 8, 1891, and as book in Şibiu 1891, 2nd ed. 53 p. 1940; a great number of works on Romanian literature, etc, in Romanian.
Sources: Dictionar de literatura Romana. Bucharest 1979, 65; briefly Banaţeanu, Vi-BhQ 27, 1961-62, 251; Wikipedia with poor photo.
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