BOLLING, George Melville

BOLLING, George Melville. Baltimore 13.4.1871 — Princeton, NJ 1.6.1963. U.S. Greek Scholar and Indologist. Professor of Classical Philology in Columbus. Son of William Nicholls B. and Hannah Lamb Bonham. Educated at Loyola College in Baltimore (A.B. 1891), and at Johns Hopkins (now also Sanskrit under Bloomfield), where Ph.D. 1896. In 1893-1913 Professor of Greek and Instructor or Associate Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. In 1913-14 Johnston Scholar at Johns Hopkins. In 1914-40 Professor of Greek at Ohio State University in Columbus. Emeritus 1940. Married 1898 Irene Johnson. Wrote on Homer and the Veda, best known of his studies on Homeric text tradition.

Publications: Diss. The Participle in Hesiod. c. 50 p. Manuscript 1896.

– “The Relation of the Vedic Forms of the Dual”, JAOS 23, 1902, 318-324; “The Çāntikalpa of the Atharva-Veda”, TAPA 35, 1904, 77–127.; “The Recension of Cāṇakya used by Galanos”, Bloomfield Vol. 1920, 49-79; four articles in the E.R.E.

Edited with J. v. Negelein: The Pariśiṣṭas of the Atharvaveda. 1:1-3. Text and Apparatus. 24+650 p. Lp. 1909-10.

Edited: “The Çāntikalpa of the Atharvaveda”, JAOS 33, 1913, 265-278.

The External Evidence for Interpolation in Homer. 12+259 p. Oxford 1925; The Athetized lines of the Iliad. 200 p. Baltimore 1944; Ilias Atheniensium: The Athenian Iliad of the 6th Century B.C. 10+18 p. 248 pl. Lancaster 1950.

Articles on classical philology, in AJPh, the last in 1956, 1958, and 1959; in 1925-31 editor of Language.

Sources: Dir. Am. Sch. 1st edition 1842; Who Was Who in America 5 (without the year of his death, which is given in H. Pedersen, A Glance at the History of Linguistics. Amsterdam Studies in History of Linguistics 7. A. 1983, p. XVI note); *H.M. Hoenigswald, Language 40, 1964, 329-336 with bibliography; E.C. Kopff in Briggs (ed.), Biogr. Dict. of N. Amer. Class. 1994, 57f.; *J.W. Poultney, Lex. gramm. 1996, 119; Wikipedia.

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