BONN, Gisela (nom-de-plume of Gisela Döhrn). Elberfeld near Wuppertal 22.9.1909 — Stuttgart 11.10.1996. German Journalist. Daughter of a teacher. From 1929 studied Musicology, Theatre, art history, Germanistics and French at Köln, Rostock and Vienna. Ph.D. 1936 Vienna (diss. on Brahms). In 1936 married the journalist Hermann Pörzgen, 1937 moved to Moscow where he was the correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung. Herself wrote for several German newspapers. In 1941 interned and deported to Turkey. Then correspondent in Tanger. At the end of the war H. Pörzgen became Soviet prisoner, released only in 1955. She divorced, married with Giselher Wirsing and adopted the name Gisela Bonn. Travelled much in Asia and Africa and wrote several books on different countries, often together with her husband.
Publications: Neues Licht aus Indien. 259 p. Wb. 1958; Indien und der Subkontinent. 311 p. 10 pl. Tübingen 1974; Nepal: Bilder aus dem Kathmandu-Tal. 73 p. 53 pl. Ostfildern 1983; Die indische Herausforderung: eine Begegnung mit Indien. 496 p. St. 1985; Nehru: Annäherungen an einen Staatsmann und Philosophen. 155 p. Frankfurt/M. 1992.
– Bhutan. Kunst und Kultur im Reich der Drachen. 384 p. 181 fig. 122 ill. Köln 1988.
– Angkor : Toleranz in Stein. 152 p. 1996; also wrote much on Africa.
Sources: German Wikipedia.
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