BORECKÝ, Jaromír

BORECKÝ, Jaromír. Buddies (now České Budějovice) 6.8.1869 — Prague 8.5.1951. Czech Poet, Translator and Librarian, listed as an Oriental scholar by Heyne and apparently knew some Sanskrit and certainly Persian. Son of Jan Ludvik B. and Anna Isáková. He is said (by Bečka) to have been a student of the Orientalist R. Dvořak and written his diss. on Firdausi (1899). He was long time Director of National Library in Prague. Married Františka Schöpffová, father of —> M.B. and another son

Publications: Transl. with Z.: Méghadút, čili, Oblak poslem lásky. 53 p. Prague 1903; Gítagóvinda: píseň o lásce Kršnově. 199 p. 1921 (ed. J. Hubáček).

Transl. Firdůsi: Kniha králů. 99 s. Bibliotéka klasiků orientálních 1. Prague 1910 (long extracts). 

Books about Czech literature, poetry.

Sources: Date of birth in Heyne, Orient. Datenbuch. Lp. 1912; Bečka, Comm. Cyrus 1974, 385; Poucha, ArO 1951, 187;; works in the N.U.C.; Czech Wikipedia with photo.

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