BOWDEN, Ernest M.

BOWDEN, Ernest Monnington. Rochford, Herefordshire bapt. 17.7.1859 — Ramsgate, Kent 3.4.1904. British Author and Inventor (Wikipedia calls him Irishman, which seems unlikely, his father was born in London). Son of Rev. Ellis Treacher B. and Maria B. After Malvern College studies at Pembroke College, Cambridge (B.A. 1881). In 1892 in India and Ceylon visiting Buddhist sights. Member of R.A.S. from 1901, living in Bedford Place, London. He invented the Bowden cable, used in bicycle brakes, in 1896 and founded E. M. Bowden’s Patent Syndicate. Married with Norah Hayward.

Publications: Wrote on Ceylon archaeology and religion (ethnology) in the 1890s.

The imitation of Buddha: quotations from Buddhist literature for each day of the year. 148 p. L. 1891; 6th ed. 1911 (selected from English and French translations); Dutch tr. 1891, German tr. 1905.

Sources: Not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st and 2nd Series; only one book in N.U.C. Visit to Adyar 1892 mentioned in The Path 7, 1892-93; briefly Wikipedia (born 1860); more in

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