BOWRING, Lewin Bentham. Hackney, London 15.7.1824 — Torquay, Devon 14.1.1910. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Sir John B. (1792–1872), linguist, traveller, politician, diplomat, governor of Hong Kong, even poet, and Maria Lewin. Educated in Exeter, at Haileybury and Fort Williams (Calcutta). Bengal Civil service 1843-70. From 1847 Assistant Resident in Lahore, 1858 private secretary to Earl Canning, 1862 Chief Commissioner of Mysore and Coorg. Retired in 1870, lived in Devon. C.S.I. 1867. Member of the R.A.S. from 1870. Twice married, with Mary Laura Talbot (d. 1866) and Katharine Bellasis, six sons and two daughters.
Publications: A few notes in JASB and ProcASB, e.g. on Mysore inscriptions in Proc. 1865 and Coorg Cromlechs in Proc. 1869.
– “Vocabulary of the Kashmírí Language”, Appendix D. in G. Campbell’s Ethnology of India. JASB 35 Extra-No. Calcutta 1866, 225-250.
– Edited: Eastern Experience: Autobiographical Recollections of Sir John Bowring. 8+404 p. L. 1877.
– Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan and the Struggle with the Musalman Powers of the South. 234 p. Rulers of India Series. Oxford 1893.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Who Was Who and other sources in Br. Biogr. Arch.; Wikipedia with photo.
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