RAHMANN, Rudolph

RAHMANN, Rudolph. Niederense, Westfalen 20.9.1902 — Troisdorf, Kr. Rhein-Sieg 23.9.1985. SVD. German Ethnologist. Roman Catholic Priest. Studies in the Netherlands and at Missionshaus St.Gabriel in Mödling near Vienna. Ordained 1929. From 1932 studies under W. Koppers and W. Schmidt. Ph.D. 1935 Vienna. In 1936 to China, taught sociology and ethnology at Furen Catholic University in Peking, turning its policy to pro-Japanese and pro-German. In 1937-47 also editor of Monumenta Serica. After the war lost his position and moved to Philippines in 1949. Daen of Graduate School at San Carlos University in Cebu, in 1956-60 Professor of Ethnology at Fribourg, Switzerland, then again at San Carlos University.

Publications: Diss. Gottheiten und Schamanismus bei den Munda-Völkern und ihren dravidischen Nachbarn. Ein Beitrag zur Religion der Primitiv-Stämme des östl. Vorderindiens. Manuscript 1935, publ. as “Gottheiten der Primitivstämmen im nordöstlichen Vorderindien”, Anthropos 31, 1936, 37-96.

– “The Ritual Spring Hunt of Northern and Middle India”, Anthropos 47, 1952, 871–890.

– “Quarrels and Enmity Between the Sun and the Moon: A Contribution to the Mythologies of the Philippines, India and the Malay Peninsula”, Folklore Studies 14, 1955, 202-214.

– “Shamanistic and Related Phenomena in Northern and Middle India”, Anthropos 54, 1959, 681-760.

Edited: Anthropology as a Historical Science: Essays in Honour of Stephen Fuchs. 1984.

Much on Philippinese ethnology.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; stray notes in New Perspectives on Yenching University, 1916–1952. 2012.

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