RANKE, Kurt. Blankenburg, Harz 14.4.1908 — Stadensen bei Uelzen 6.6.1985. German Germanist and Folklore Scholar interested in IE Linguistics. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of post inspector Karl Ranke and Ida Ahrens, grew up in Essen. In 1927-31 studies of History, Germanistic and Church History at Bonn, Munich and Kiel. Ph.D. 1933 Kiel. PD 1938 Kiel, from 1940 Docent. From 1932 active member of NSDAP. Served in war. After the war lost his position, but returned 1948 as Docent. Then 1951 apl. Professor and 1958 ao. Professor. From 1960 ord. Professor of Volkskunde at Göttingen, emeritus 1972. Married 1934 Lucie Scheunemann (1908–1996), one daughter and one son.
Publications: Diss. Die zwei Brüder: Eine Studie zur vergleichenden Märchenforschung: Eine Studie zur vergleichenden Märchenforschung. 390 p. FF Communications 114. Helsinki 1934.
– Hab.diss. Indogermanische Totenverehrung. 1. Der 30. Tag im Totenkult der Indogermanen. Manuscript of 252+127 p. Summary of 2 p. publ. Kiel 1938, publ. as FF Communications 140. 395 p. Helsinki 1951.
– Founder of Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Berlin 1975ff.; other works.
Sources: Hab.diss. in Janert; *H.-J. Uther, N.D.B. 21, 2003, 145f.; Wikipedia with photo (more and further references in German version).
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