BRODOV, Vasilij Vasil’evič. Moscow 28.2.(13.3.)1912 — Moscow 4.3.1996. Russian Indologist, interested in philosophy. Son of a worker. In 1935-42 taught at Moscow Conservatory. Graduated 1938 at Institut filosofii, literatury i istorii in Moscow. During 1942-45 in army. Kand. filos. nauk 1949. In 1949-53 taught at Mordvinian Pedagogic Inst., 1953-56 at Moscow Art Inst., 1960-62 at Moscow Medical Inst., and 1962-66 at Moscow University. In 1956-60 also naučnyj sotrudnik at Philosophical Institute. Dr. filos. n. 1965. Docent 1964, Professor 1967. From 1966 on the chair of Philosophy at V.Z.I.S.I. Particulaly (more or less secretly, in Soviet times) interested in Yoga.
Publications: At least 40 items.
– Kand.diss. not on Indian subject; dr. diss. Progressivnaja filosofskaja i sociologičeskaja mysl Indii v novoe vremja (1850–1917). Manuscript of 479 p. M. 1964.
– Indijskaja filosofija novogo vremeni. 284 p. M. 1967.
– Articles on Tagore, Aurobindo, Vivekananda etc.
– Translations from Sanskrit in Drevneindijskaja filosofija. M. 1963.
– “K voprosy o tolkovanii vedijskogo gimna Nasadija”, KSINA 71, 1964, 41-45.
– Indian Philosophy in Modern Times. 1-2. 367+365 p. M. 1984-88.
Sources: Miliband. 1977 & 1995; *Russian Vikipedija with photo.
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