BROWN, Percy

BROWN, Percy. Birmingham 1872 (or Calcutta 22.11.1871) — Srinagar 22.3.1955. British Art Historian in India. Son of Joseph Henry Samsum Brown and Annie Elizabeth Morgan. Educated at King Edward VI Grammar School in Birmingham, then at Royal College of Art in London. Excavated for the Egypt Exploration Fund in Upper Egypt in 1894-96. Entered Indian Educational Service in 1899. Principal of Mayo School of Art in Lahore and Curator of Lahore Museum in 1899-1909, Principal of Government School of Art in Calcutta and Curator of Art Section in Indian Museum 1909-27. Retired 1927 and returned to U.K. Then secretary and curator of Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Wikipedia has this differently: In 1927-47 Secretary and Curator of the Victoria Memorial Hall in Calcutta, then retired to Srinagar. Married 1908 Muriel Talbot (d. 1943, one daughter), and 1948 Geneviève Le Play. One of the first art historians exclusively concentrating on Indian art.

Publications: Descriptive Guide to the Department of archaeology & antiquities. 7+57+10 p. 14 pl. Lahore 1908; Picturesque Nepal. 205 p. 44 pl. L. 1912; Tours in Sikkim and the Darjeeling district. 136 p. Calcutta 1917, 3rd rev. ed. 16+223 p. 1934.

Indian Painting. The Heritage of India Series. 1918, 2nd ed. 132 p. L. 1927; Indian Painting under the Mughals, a.d. 1550 – a.d. 1750. 204 p. 72 pl. Oxford 1924.

Indian Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu Periods. 216 p. 164 pl.1942; Indian Architecture: Islamic Period. Bombay 1942, new ed. 134 p. 125 pl. Bombay 1956.

Sources: Who Was Who 1951-60; The Indian Year Book and Who’s Who 1941-42; second birth date and family in; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 12 months by Admin


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