ANDERSON, John. Edinburgh 4.10.1833 — Buxton, Derbyshire 15.8.1900. British (Scottish) Zoologist In India. Son of Thomas A., Secretary of National Bank of Scotland, and Jane Cleghorn. School and medical studies in Edinburgh. M.D. 1862 (with zoological diss.). Two years Professor of Natural History at Free Church College in Edinburgh, then left for India. From 1865-86 First Curator then Superviser of Indian Museum in Calcutta, from c. 1877 also Professor of Comparative Anatomy at Medical School. Made several collecting expeditions to China and Burma. In 1886 returned to the U.K. Fellow of Royal Society 1879, Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh 1885. Married Grace Scott Thoms.

Publications: Catalogue and Handbook of the Archaeological Collections in the Indian Museum. Part I. Asoka and Indo-Scythian Galleries. Part II. Gupta and Inscription Galleries. Buddhist, Jain, Brahmanical, and Muhammadan Sculptures; Metal Weapons, objects from Tumuli. 20+295, 12+521 p. Calcutta 1883.

– With his wife: Japan from India: letters & notes of the journey of two travellers, chiefly by one of them. 287 p. Calcutta 1884.

– Much on zoology; reports of Burmese expeditions.

Sources: *A. Alcock, ProcASB 1902, 40-44; F.E.B[eddard], D.N.B. Suppl. 1, 1901, 46; *D.T. Moore, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo and bust.

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