LOUNSBERY, Grace Constant. New York 29.1.1876 — France 24.9.1964. U.S. Author, Playwright and Bauddha in France. Daughter of James L. (d. 1897) (?) and Grace Constant. Graduated from Bryn Mawr College. Founder (1929) and President of Amis du Bouddhisme. Unmarried.
Publications: La Méditation bouddhique. 179 p. P. 1935; Buddhist Meditation in the Southern School: Theory and Practice for Westerners. 177 p. L. 1950.
– Plays, poetry.
Sources: ancestry.com.au gives as her mother Clara Morse who was born in 1889 (!), as father J.L. (1847–1897), but Wikipedia names only mother as Gr.C. and claims that the daughter herself took the name Lounsbery from a distant relative.
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