WOOD, Mark

WOOD, Mark. Perth, Scotland 1747 — London 6.2.1829. Sir (Bart.). British (Scottish) Military Engineer and Traveller in India. Son of Alexander Wood. Cadet 1770, in 1772 joined Bengal Engineers, his two brothers were also in E.I.C.’s military service. Surveyor-General 1787, Chief Engineer in Bengal 1790, retired as Colonel and returned…

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WOLFF, Joseph

WOLFF, Joseph. Weilersbach near Bamberg 1795 — Isle Brewers, Somerset 2.5.1862. Rev. German Priest, Oriental Scholar and Traveller in Central Asia. Born in a Jewish family, his father David Wolff was a rabbi, his mother was Sarah. Educated in Stuttgart and Bamberg. After conversion to Catholic Christianity near Prague in…

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WINSLOW, Miron. Williston, Vermont 11.12.1789 — Cape Town 22.10.1864. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Tamil Lexicographer in South Asia, where he remained in 1819-64. Son of Nathaniel Winslow and Anna Kellogg. Graduated from Middlebury College 1815 and Andover Theological Seminary 1818, ordained priest 1818. Together with his wife he arrived in…

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WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus

WINDISCHMANN, Karl Joseph Hieronymus. Mainz 24.8.1775 — Bonn 23.4.1839. German Philosopher. Professor in Bonn. Father of —> Friedrich W. (1811–1861). Born and educated in Mainz. Studied philosophy at Mainz, soon moved to Würzburg because of French invasion, now also took medicine and science, Dr.med. 1796 Mainz, then one year in…

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WILSON, Horace Hayman

WILSON, Horace Hayman. London 26.9.1786 (date uncertain) — London 8.5.1860. British Indologist. In India 1808-32, then Professor in Oxford. Born in a modest family. Educated in London and studied medicine at St.Thomas’ Hospital, but also learned the elements of minting. In 1808 left forBengal as Assistant-Surgeon, during the six months’…

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WILKS, Mark. Isle of Man 1759 — Kelloe House, Berwickshire 19.9.1831. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Rev. James Wilks (1719–1777) and Elizabeth Christian, a family of Manx gentry. Joined the E.I.C.’s army and went to Madras in 1782. Learned soon Persian. In 1786 Deputy Secretary to the Military…

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WILKINS, Charles

WILKINS, Charles. Frome, Somerset bapt. 21.6.1749 (not 1750!) — London 13.5.1833. Sir. British Pioneer of Indology. In India 1770-86. Son of Hugh Wilkins (Sengupta Walter Wilkins) and Mary Wray, a modest family. Trained as a printer. Joining the E.I.C.’s service he came to India as a Writer in July 1770…

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WILKEN, Friedrich

WILKEN, Friedrich. Ratzeburg, Holstein 23.5.1777 — Berlin 24.12.1840. German Historian and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg and Berlin. Of modest origin, son of Christian Erich Wilken, a valet, and his wife Sophie. After Domschule of Ratzeburg from 1795 studies of theology and history at Göttingen, also Oriental languages under J.…

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WILFORD, Francis

WILFORD, Francis. 1761 (1771 makes him too young for his early career) — Benares 1822. British (of German Origin) Colonial Officer and Indologist in India. Born in the Kingdom of Hannover, obtained classical education. In 1781 joined the E.I.C.’s military service. Served many years as Lieutenant, in the end Colonel.…

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WEYRAUCH, August von

WEYRAUCH, August Heinrich von. Riga 30.4.1788 — Dresden 8.3.1865. German (of Livonia) Poet (nom-de-plume Heinrich von der Myrrhen) and Composer. Born in a Livonian German family as the son of a post master, Friedrich Wilhelm von Weyrauch and Sophie Albertina Österlein. Educated in Riga and St.Petersburg. Studied law at Dorpat…

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