ANDERSON, James Drummond

ANDERSON, James Drummond. Fort William, Calcutta 11.11.1852 — Cambridge 24.11.1920. British Civil Servant in India, Bengali Scholar. Son of James A. (M.D.) and Ellen Garstin. Educated at the Cheltenham College and Rugby. Served in I.C.S. in 1875-1900, mostly in Assam. After returning to England he was University Lecturer in Bengali…

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ANDERSEN, Dines. Ullerslev, Fyn 26.12.1861 — Copenhagen 28.3.1940. Danish Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Son of mill builder Dines A. (1833–1861) and Christine Poulsen (1833–1914), lost his father before his birth. Supported by patrons, he attended the Latin School in Odense in 1877-81. Studied from 1881 at Copenhagen Classical and Scandinavian philology,…

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AMUNDSEN, Edward (Norwegian Edvard A.). Kirkeholmen, Vestre Kragerø 27.1.1873 — Larvik 21.11.1928. Norwegian Missionary and Tibetan Scholar. Born in a strictly religious home he decided early to become a missionary. After being ordained in 1893, he went to England and joined the new Tibetan Pioneer Mission. He went soon to…

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AMPÈRE, Jean-Jacques-Antoine

AMPÈRE, Jean-Jacques-Antoine. Lyon 12.8.1800 — Pau 26/27.3.1864. French Scholar of History and Literature interested in India. Son of the famous scientist André Marie A. (1775-1836) and Antoinette Carron, lost early his mother. Educated at Collège Henri IV. Travelled in Europe and wrote himself poetry. In 1830 taught at Athénée de…

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AMMER, Karl. Vienna 25.10.1911 — Halle 16.1.1970. Austrian Indologist and Linguist in East Germany. Of modest origin. Professor in Halle. Studies at Vienna University (under Geiger, Frauwallner, Trubetskoy, Havers, et al.). Ph.D. 1939. From 1938 Librarian, then from 1941 several years Assistant at Oriental Inst., Vienna, but soon interrupted by…

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AMMANN, Joseph

AMMANN, Joseph. Kempern 23.3.1804 — 4.1.1854. German Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Student of O. Frank at Munich. From 1836 eighteen years teacher in Landshut (until death). At least taught Hebrew. Publications: “Über das Studium der Sanskrit-Sprache nebst einigen Bemerkungen über Sanskrit-Literatur, mit einem Anhang Sanskritschrift enthaltend”, Progr. Landshut Stud.-Anst. 1848,…

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AMMANN, Hermann

AMMANN, Hermann. Bruchsal/Baden 10.8.1885 — Innsbruck 12.9.1956. German IE Linguist in Austria. Son of school director Jakob A. (d. 1895), educated in Bruchsal and Freiburg. Studies at Freiburg (Thurneysen) and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1910. In WW I served in Red Cross. PD 1920 Freiburg i. Br. From 1926 nebenbeamt. ao. Professor…

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AMELUNG, Arthur Julius Heinrich.

AMELUNG, Arthur Julius Heinrich. Catharina, Livonia (now Võisiku, Estonia) 15.7./27.7.1840 — Montreux 6.4.1874. (Baltic) German Linguist (Germanic and IE). Son of a glass factory owner, Carl Georg A. (d. 1851) and Julie Koeler (d. 1846). Studied first history and chemistry at Dorpat (Tartu) in 1862-63, then comparative linguistics at Berlin…

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AMBROSI, Felice Alessandre

AMBROSI, Felice Alessandre. 21.11.1841 — 19??. Italian Latin Scholar and Schoolteacher interested in Indology. In Florence, then Professor of Classics at Ginnasio Superiore in Macerata. Publications: Vâlmîki: Il Lamento del Vânaro Hanumat: episodio del Râmâyana, tradotto in versi. 23 p. Genova 1886; several works on Latin and Italian philology and…

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