CAPPER, John. Lambeth, Surrey 29.9.1814 — Fulham, Middlesex 31.3.1898. British Journalist and Writer in Sri Lanka. Son of Benjamin Pitts C. and Maria Margaret Bessell. In 1837 he joined a coffee wholesale business and was sent to Ceylon. He was interested in journalism and in 1840 founded short-lived (to 1842)…

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CANEDO GRILLE, José. Tordoia, Galicia 22.2.1902 — Lens 29.12.1945. Spanish Linguist. Studies at seminary of Santiago de Compostela and at University of Granada, then 7 years IE, Indology and classics at Berlin. In the Spanish civil war he took Franco’s side. From 1943 taught Spanish at Heidelberg University. Publications: Zur Wort- und…

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CANDOLLE, Bertrand de

CANDOLLE, Bertrand de. 1929 — 1999. Swiss, probably Catholic Missionary. Musée d’ethnographie de Génève has Indian material donated by him and the page gives name, life years and connection with the same museum (without mentioning India or his profession). Publications: “Contribution à l’étude des Nahals (Inde)”, Anthropos 56, 1961, 750-788. Sources: No further…

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CAMPBELL, Joseph John. White Plains, NY 26.3.1904 — Honolulu 30.10.1987. U.S. Scholar of Literature and Comparative Mythology and Religion. Son of hosiery importer and wholesaler Charles William C. (of Irish background) and Josephine Lynch, grew up in New Rochelle, NY. Graduated 1921 from Canterbury School in New Milford, CT. B.A. 1925…

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CAMPBELL, John. 18?? — 1???. British. In 1866-88 (unpaid) Professor of Bengali at King’s College, London. Publications: Nothing found. Sources: With such a common name he is very hard to trace.

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CAMMIADE, Louis Aime

CAMMIADE, Louis Aime François. Madras 2.6.1872 — Worthing, Sussex 3.11.1951. British Civil Servant and lay Archaeologist in India. Son of merchant Gilbert Henry C. and Anne-Marie Sicé. Graduated 1891 and in law from Middle Temple 1901. In 1895 joined I.C.S. in Madras Presidency, from 1903 Deputy Collector of Tinnevely (Tirunelveli). Called…

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CAIUS, R. P. J. 18?? — 19??. S. J. Father. Missionary in Tiruchirappalli. Publications: “Au Pays des Castes. Castes des pays Dravidiens”, Anthropos 1, 1906, 426-434; “Au Pays des Castes. Les Brahmanes. (Suite)”, Anthropos 3, 1908, 239-243, 637-650. Sources: Nothing except the two articles found.

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CHANTRAINE, Pierre Louis. Lille 15.9.1899 — Paris 30.6.1974. French Classical (Greek) Scholar and Linguist also interested in India. Professor in Paris. Son of a classical scholar. Educated in Cambrai, studies in Paris and Lille (Ernout), in 1922–25 again in Paris (Meillet, also Vendryes, Bloch, P. Mazon). Ph.D. 1927. In 1925–28…

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