HUMMEL, Siegbert

HUMMEL, Siegbert. Rodewisch, Vogtland 18.7.1908 — Lengenfeld (or Röthenbach?), Vogtland 28.3.2001. German (East) Priest, Art Historian and Tibetan Scholar. He had first mercantile training in order to take over the curtain trade of his father, but the depression impended this and he turned to theology. Matriculated in 1932 from König Albert-Gymnasium…

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HUGHES, George A.

HUGHES, George Arthur. 17?? — 26.2.1835 (when about 65). Britishman in India. Son of Robert Hughes of Madras Civil Service, educated in Cambridge by his uncle, Dr. Hughes, the Pricipal of Jesus College. Returned to India he served first as clerk to the resident of Travancore, then under S. R.…

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HÜLLMANN, Karl Dietrich

HÜLLMANN, Karl Dietrich. Erdeborn, Mansfeld-Südharz 10.9.1765 — Bonn 4.3.1846. German Historian. Son of Erdmann H., a minister, and Eleonore Dorguth (d. 1772). After gymnasium in Eisleben studied theology and philosophy, soon also history at Halle. From 1786 worked as school director in Bremen, Kloster Berge and Berlin. Ph.D. 1793 Göttingen.…

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HOWLEY, Thomas

HOWLEY, Thomas. 1831 — 1906. British Teacher in India. Son of elder Thomas H., of Bangalore. Educated at Bishop Cowie’s Grammar School in Madras. Head-Master of Anglo-Vernaculat School in Ellore, Madras Presidency. From 1861 (unpaid) Professor of Tamil, Telugu and  Hindustani at King’s College, London. Hon. M.A. 1881 Oxford, Balliol…

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HORSLEY, Hugh. India 11.8.1849 — 26.1.1934. Rev. British (Irish?) Missionary in South South Asia. Son of —> William Henry H. and Frederica O’Connell. Studied at Cambridge, M.A. Came to Madras 1873, worked in Tinnevelly, from 1879 in Ceylon. Also there worked among Tamils for Church Missionary Society, retired 1894. Still…

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HORNELL, James. Manchester 1865 — Hastings 24.2.1949. British Zoologist and Ethnographer in South Asia. Son of a Scottish father and Lancashire mother, educated in Kirkcudbright, Scotland. Studied at University College, Liverpool. In 1891-1900 collaborated with Joseph Sinell in Jersey (also married his daughter). In 1900 went to Ceylon (Sri Lanka)…

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HOPKINS, Grace Sturtevant

HOPKINS, Grace Sturtevant. 14.7.1904 — Hamden, CT 12.3.2002. U.S. Student of IE Lin­guistics. Daughter of —> Edgar H. Sturtevant (1875–1952) and Elizabeth (Bessie) Skinner. Graduated 1924 from Vassar College. Ph.D. 1932 Yale. In 1931-62 living in New Jersey, then in Hamden, CT and Naples. Active in politics. Married Francis W.…

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HONKO, Lauri

HONKO, Lauri Olavi. Hanko 6.3.1932 — Turku 15.7.2002. Finnish Folklorists. Professor in Turku. Son of Svante Honko and Helmi Sofia Starck. Studies at Helsinki, Ph.D. 1959 under M. Haavio. In 1971-97 Professor of Folklore and Religious Studies at Turku, then emeritus. Married 1958 Märta Sjögren (divorce 1988), one son, and Raili…

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HONIGMAN, John Joseph. Bronx, New York 7.6.1914 — 4.8.1977. U.S. Anthropologist. Associate Professor (1951). Married, two children. Publications: “Education and Career Specialization in a West Pakistan Village of Renown”, Anthropos 55, 1960, 825-840; “The Swat Pathans”, Anthropos 56, 1961, 941-946. – Edited: Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Chicago 1973. – Development of Anthropological Ideas. 434 p.…

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HOLMER, Nils Magnus. Göteborg 5.2.1904 — Vollsjö near Lund 10.6.1994.Swedish Linguist. Son of railway engineer Lars Magnus H. and elementary school teacher Anna Vilhelmina Lindström. Grew up in Kalmar. Studied Russian at Lund (fil.kand. 1925), also became interested in Indo-European. In 1926-29 studied Czech and Celtic at Prague. Lic.phil. 1932…

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