HANXLEDEN, Johannes Ernst (Arṇṇōsŭ pātiri = Ernst Padre). Osterkappeln bei Osnabrück 1681 — “Pashur” (Pazhur), Kerala 20/21.3.1732. Father. S.J. German Missionary and Precursor of Indology. At early age in 1699 he joined S.J. in Augsburg and left to India with two fathers, who both died during the journey. The route:…

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HANUSZ, Jan. Kołodziejówka near Stanisławów (then in Austrian Galicia, now Kolodiivka in Ukraina) 13.7.1858 — Paris 26.7.1887. Polish (Austrian) Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Armenian and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a village in the east of Lesser Poland (Małopolska), son of Józef H. Matriculated from Stanisławów gymnasium 1877. In 1877-81 studies of classic…

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HANSEN, Olaf. St.Petersburg 11.4.1902 — Kiel 10.1.1969. German Indo-Iranian, especially Middle Iranian Scholar. Professor in Berlin (West). Son of Gottlieb Olaf Albert Hansen, librarian of Imperial Academy, and Marie Rödder. In 1917 the family escaped to Baltic states and 1919 to Hamburg. Studied at Hamburg. Ph.D. there 1927 under Reichelt.…

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HANNAY, Simon Fraser

HANNAY, Simon Fraser. Inverness 12.11.1801 — Dibrugarh, Assam 30.1.1861. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Henry H. (1766–1822) and Helen Fraser (1777–1815). From 1820 Ensign in Bengal Light Infantry. From 1836 served in Assam, in 1839-61 commander of the 1st Assam Light Infantry. Colonel. Pioneer of Assam tea…

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HANNAH, Herbert Bruce

HANNAH, Herbert Bruce. 1862 — 1930. British Lawyer in India. Son of William Cooper H. and Agnes Johnstone.  Many years before 1912 studied Tibetan in Darjeeling under Kazi Dawa Samdup. In 1910/25 living in Calcutta as High Court judge. Publications: A Grammar of the Tibetan Language, Literary and Colloquial. 17+398…

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HANDT, Werner

HANDT, Werner. 18?? — 19??. German student of Indology. In 1899 he was in Greifswald. Ph.D. 1900 Tübingen (apparently student of Garbe). Publications: Diss. Die atomistische Grundlage der Vaiśeṣika-Philosophie nach den Quellen dargestellt. Manuscript, Tübingen, publ. 64 p. Rostock & Leipzig 1900 (there was then no forced printing at Tübingen…

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HAMMERICH, Martin Johannes. Copenhagen 4.12.1811 — Iselingen, Vordingborg 20.9.1881. Danish Scholar of Literature and Educator interested in Indology. Son of merchant Johannes H. and Meta Adolph (d. 1823). From 1830 studies at Copenhagen University, 1833 Cand. Theol., 1836 Mag. with a diss. on Ragnarok myth. He was much interested in…

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HAMMERICH, Louis Leonor

HAMMERICH, Louis Leonor. Copenhagen 31.7.1892 — Hørsholm/Hillerød 1.11.1975. Danish Linguist (Germanist). Son of Kai August H. and Louise Camille Bentzen. Matriculated 1910 from Roskilde. Studies at Copenhagen, Magister i Germ. filologi 1915, Ph.D. 1918. In 1919-20 Secretary of Danish Red Cross’ Berlin office, 1921-22 in Danish Delegation of Boundary Commission.…

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HAMM, Frank-Richard

HAMM, Frank-Richard. Königsberg 8.10.1920 — Bonn 11.11.1973. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Bonn. Son of Lieutenant Richard and Hedwig Hamm, moved with his parents to Hamburg in 1922 and matriculated there 1939. In 1940-41 studies i.al. of Indology, philosophy and ethnology at Hamburg (under Schubring, Zieseniss, E. Fraenkel…

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HAMILTON, John Herbert Fearnley. 1858? — Ratnapura 20.5.1894, when 36. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Peter H. Entered C.C.S. in 1879 and retired 12 years later as District Judge of Ratnapura (but Lewis lets us understand that he was still judge there when died). The list of…

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