IGGLEDEN, Robert E. W. 11.6.1913 — 21.3.1981. British Bauddha. After WW II pupil of Sayadaw U Thittila until 1952 (when Sayadaw returned to Burma). Specialist of Abhidhamma and Secretary of the P.T.S. until 1976. Married Claudine, who wrote a life of Thittila in 1996. Publications: Assisted Sayadaw in his English translation of the…

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İNSEL, Hüseyin Avni. Varna, Bulgaria 1915 — 13.8.1969. Turkish Translator and Publisher. After school in Varna moved with the family to Turkey in 1926 and went to high school in Istanbul. Graduated 1935 and began his career translating Gidé in 1936. Studies at Sorbonne, but had to return ungraduated because…

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IRVINE, Francis

IRVINE, Francis. Drumoak, Aberdeenshire 8.2.1786 — Edinburgh 16.12.1855. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Alexander I. and Jean Forbes, mother died soon after his birth. Joined army as cadet in 1804 and left for India. Served in Bengal Native Infantry, resigned as Captain in 1824. Already 1820 moved…

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IVERSEN, Ragnvald

IVERSEN, Ragnvald. Tromsø 18.1.1882 — Trondheim 21.8.1960. Norwegian Linguist. Son of Anton Christian I., a carpenter, and Emilie Jacobsen. Studies at Kristiania (Oslo), cand.phil. 1910. Worked as teacher inn Arendal and Hønefoss. Ph.D. 1921 (diss. on Norwegian). In 1922-52 Professor of Norwegian at Norges Lærerhøgskole (Teachers’ College) in Trondheim. Married…

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IRZEL, Paul Arnold

IRZEL, Paul Arnold. Zürich 5.12.1861 — 8.1.1931. Swiss Indologist. Grandson of —> B. H., teacher in Aarau. Son of Paul Arnold H., a lawyer, and Johanna Victoria Albrecht. Studies of classical philology, Romance and Germanic philology and Sanskrit at Strassburg, Leipzig and München. Ph.D. 1890 Leipzig, under Windisch. Back in Switzerland…

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IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič

IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič. Gdov 8(20).3.1863 — 25.1.(7.2.)1903. Russian Sinologist, Mongolian and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Born in the old nobility of Herson governement, educated in St.Petersburg. From 1881 studies of Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan at Oriental Faculty of St.Petersburg University. Student of Vasil’ev, also listened to Pozdneev, Minaev,…

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IVANOV, Vladimir Alekseevič

IVANOV, Vladimir Alekseevič (W. Ivanow). St.Petersburg 3.11.1886 — Tehran 19.6.1970. Russian Iranian (Persian) Scholar in India and Iran. Son of an army surgeon. Studies at St.Petersburg (Arabic under von Rosen, Persian under Žukovskij), graduated 1907 (1911?9. In 1910-14 worked in Russian Bank’s subsidiary in Tehran, 1912-13 fieldwork in Khorasan. Studied…

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IVĂNESCU, Gheorghe

IVĂNESCU, Gheorghe. Vutcani, Vaslui 20.10/2.11.1912 — Iași 3.6.1987. Romanian Scholar interested in IE and India. Educated in Bârlad. Studies at Iași, then 1934-35 in Paris and 1935-37 in Rome. Ph.D. 1945 (diss. on Old Romanian). In 1945-52 (Assistant?) Professor of Romanian at Iași, then of Romance Linguistics at Timișoara, from…

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ITIL (İtil), Abidin

ITIL (İtil), Abidin. Baku 1910 — 1980. Turkish Indologist. Student of Ruben at Ankara, Ph.D. 1944. At Ankara University: Started teaching Sanskrit in 1936 (under Ruben), Assistant in 1943-46, Docent from 1946, then Professor and Head of Department. Retired 1975. Publications: Diss. “Bhavishyamahapuranam”, Ankara Universitesi Dil ve Tarih – Coğrafya…

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ITH, Johann Samuel

ITH, Johann Samuel. Bern 11.7.1747 — Bern 8.10.1813. Swiss Priest and Schoolteacher. Son of Johannes Ith, a coppersmith, and Margaritha Stulz, lost early (1759) his father. Financed his theological studies at Bern as a tutor, graduated in 1770 and was ordained as priest. Then further studies at Göttingen and Berlin,…

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