KROEBER, Alfred L.

KROEBER, Alfred Louis. Hoboken, NJ 11.6.1876 — Paris 9.10.1960. U.S. Cultural Anthropologist and Linguist. Son of German immigrants, Florenz Kr. and Anna Müller, grew up in New York City. Studies at Columbia College (B.A. 1896 in English, M.A. 1897 in Romantic drama). PG studies of anthropology under Franz Boas at…

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KÓS, Péter

KÓS, Péter (born Leó Raab, from 1939 Lev Konduktorov). Moscow 15.8.1921 — 1994. Hungarian Chemist, Diplomat and Communist Activist. Graduated as chemical engineer. From 1949 in Hungarian Foreign Ministry, 1954-56 Ambassador in New Delhi, then in Washington. In October 1956 dismissed as Soviet citizen and agent, but reinstated in November.…

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KOLLÁR, Ján (Czech Jan K.). Mosóc (now Mošovce) 29.7.1793 — Vienna 24.1.1852. Slovakian Philologist, Poet and Translator. Son of the local mayor Matej Kollár and Katarina Frndová. After gymnasium in Pressburg (Bratislava) worked as teacher. In 1817-19 studied Lutheran theology at Jena. From 1819 priest in Slovakian church in Pest. In…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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KNOX, George

KNOX, George. Inismagrath, co. Leitrim, Ireland 1793 — 2.9.1847, when 53. British Physician in India. M.D. c. 1816. In E.I.C.’s medical service, Madras. Married Mary Griffith (1809–1841), one son. Publications: Wrote on Burmese Buddhism in MJLS 1, 1834, 25-39 and in TrRAS 3, 1835, 271-284; medical writings. Sources: Revised List of Tombs of Europeans and Eurasians in…

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KNOROZOV, Jurij Valentinovič

KNOROZOV, Jurij Valentinovič. Pivdenne near Harkiv, Ukraine 19.11.1922 — St.Petersburg 31.3.1999. Russian Linguist and Ethnographer. Born of Russian parents in Ukraine, Valentin Dmitrievič Kn. and Aleksandra Sergeevna Makarova. From 1940 studied in Moscow, concentrating on Egyptology, but soon interrupted by war service in artillery. In 1945 continued his studies, now…

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KLASS, Morton

KLASS, Morton. N.Y. 24.6.1927 — N.Y. 28.4.2001 (when 73). U.S. Anthropologist. Educated in New York, in 1945 joined U.S. Merchant Marine. Started writing fiction, but then was fascinated by Margaret Mead’s Samoan work and turned to anthropology. After three years’ studies graduated A.B. in 1955 from Brooklyn College (evening courses)…

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KITAGAWA, Joseph Mitsuo. Osaka 8.3.1915 — Chicago 7.10.1992. U.S. (Japanese-born) Scholar of Religion.  Born in a Christian Japanese family, his father was episcopal priest, grew up in Japan. Studied theology at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, graduated B.A. 1937. Now went to the U.S.A. for further theology studies at Berkeley. During…

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KIPLING, John Lockwood

KIPLING, John Lockwood. Pickering, Yorkshire 6.7.1837 — Tisbury, Wiltshire 26.1.1911. British Art Teacher, Illustrator and Museum Curator in India. Son of Rev. Joseph K. and Frances Lockwood, educated at Wesleyan Woodhouse Grove school. From 1865 Professor of Architectural Sculpture, then Principal at Jeejeebhoy School of Art in Bombay. From 1875…

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KING, Cuthbert

KING, Cuthbert. 1889 — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. M.A. Served in the North-West. Deputy Commissioner (1930/35), then Commissioner of Lahore (1943) and Rawalpindi Division (1946). C.I.E. 1946. Mentioned as living 1958. Married, at least one son. Interested in numismatics. Publications: “Rock Drawings on the Indus”, Man 40, 1940, 65-68, 9 fig.…

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